loki disney plus

The arrival of the second episode of Loki on Disney+ has opened up a series of question and timeline possibilities for the show and the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Phase Four of the MCU is already upon us, with the Infinity Sage coming to a close with the Spiderman: No Way Home movie. Phase Four of the MCU has moved onto the Disney+ platform with the release of WandaVision and has been followed by Loki.

The season so far has given us an introduction to the new order of the MCU following the completion of Phase Three. Loki has been introduced in the first episode of the season as a difficult character who is unsure of his future role.

The Time Variance Authority has established the events of the first season take place before Loki’s death by Thanos, with the God watching this as part of his future timeline. 

By part two of the first season, Loki is working alongside Mobius, the only compassionate agent at the TVA. What has been revealed is the presence of a variant, something already introduced to the MCU in several forms.

Loki learns of a variant of himself from another timeline, who is wreaking havoc by destroying the strict timeline introduced by the Time Keepers. The Sacred Timeline was introduced in the first episode of Loki as the reason for the arrest of Thor’s brother. 

The Time Keepers look set to play a huge part in phase four of the MCU, with Loki threatened with death for changing the events of the Sacred Timeline. The existence of a variant, or Loki from another timeline, is not shocking.

The fact that Loki’s variant is a woman in the first form she takes on enforces the idea the character is gender fluid.

The Variant Loki is discovered in various apocalyptic events because the Time Keepers cannot change these or risk destroying the Sacred Timeline. Loki remains looking for his glorious purpose, which could be helping the TVA protect the Sacred Timeline. 

By part two of the first season of Loki, this glorious purpose looks increasingly linked to the multiverse capabilities of Doctor Strange. Variant Loki is determined to wreak havoc on the MCU by opening up new timelines and overthrowing the work of the Time Keepers.

The ominous appearance of the TVA agents and their lack of empathy is likely a clue about their purpose. The opening of a portal by Lady Loki at the end of the second episode and Loki’s ability to pass through before it closed hints at a possible partnership between the pair. 

The role of the TVA and the Time Keepers in Phase Four of the MCU remains unknown, but the interest in new timelines will be important. 

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness will expand on the work of the Time Keepers to reset the timelines outside its chosen Sacred Timeline. Watching the future events he played a part in creating could factor into the development of Loki as a character in Phase Four because a shattered Sacred Timeline will allow unlimited storylines to be developed by Marvel. 

A theory circulating among MCU fans suggests Loki takes place outside the existing MCU timeline. The season has yet to be positioned in any phase of the MCU or in the chronological order of movies and shows available on Disney+. 

Loki has already learned the Time Keepers and TVA have the power to change the timeline of the MCU and reset everything we believe to be true.

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