
Heart-Healthy Foods to Incorporate in your Diet

Your heart is always working whether you feel it or not. Whether you are fully awake, or in a deep, deep sleep, your heart is pumping blood throughout your entire body, spreading blood to all your vital organs. It’s very important that your heart gets treated well so it will continue pumping for years and years. One of the best ways to take care of your heart is to exercise and keep it strong. However, that’s not the only way. Ensuring you eat a healthy diet is also a great way to maintain heart health.

Below are some great foods you need to add to your diet to make sure your heart stays healthy and strong.


Mushrooms are extremely versatile and fun to use. They come in a variety of sizes and styles and can be used in a wealth of culinary options. They are extremely important because they have anti-inflammatory compounds, important vitamins like vitamin D, loaded with antioxidants and can even help lower your cholesterol. In studies, they have been linked to people with lower heart diseases as well as a decrease in diabetes. Mushrooms are extremely easy to prepare and use and should be considered in your next recipe!

Omega 3 fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are something that everyone knows about, but they are not entirely sure what they do. We know Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in fish, but that’s not all they can be found in. They can be found in walnuts, canola oils, and leafy green vegetables. Consuming omega 3 fatty acids is linked to a decrease in heart diseases and decrease the production of low-density lipoproteins and triglycerides which are bad for your heart.


Legumes are probably already a large part of your diet if you like to eat Mexican dishes or middle eastern food. Legumes are beans, chickpeas, or even lentils. These should be added to your diet as a fun, delicious easy way to keep your heart healthy. Not only will they help reduce heart disease, but the fiber in them will have additional health benefits in your life.

Keep your heart healthy

It’s important to recognize each and every day that there’s no reason to not keep your heart in its tip-top shape. The healthier you are the longer you live and the better you feel. Choose foods that are not only delicious but good for you so you can develop excellent eating habits. Your heart is extremely vital to keep you going, so treat it with care and you will enjoy it for years to come!

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