european and chinese tension

How Does China Influence European Countries

What’s Going on Between the Continent of Europe and the Country of China?

For anyone wondering if there’s any bad blood between Europe and China, they needn’t worry about any lack of commerce and trade. Things go well. And honestly, it can be summed up as good progress. But, there’s something more that needs to be mentioned. This international business has more than one intriguing aspect to it with far-reaching implications.

It all boils down to aggressive competition and massive consequences. As a matter of fact, the European Union government finds itself slowing down the foreign investment of which China has a decent share. Some say the recent rules and regulations regarding foreign finances are an indirect result of China’s dealings in Europe. Others offer words of encouragement for continued unfettered economic development between the two nations.

But ultimately, executive checks and balances allow for the European Commission to have a say in the gravity and nature of the outside investment. The major concern is that foreign aid shouldn’t influence things that affect the entire EU. It’s something like Russian establishments influencing US politics except without the scandal and drama attached.

What’s a Little Steady Growth and Investment Between Two Friendly Nations?

Considering the size and span of Europe, the influence of China’s sway from business ownership doesn’t exactly call for alarm. The numbers point to some rather interesting facts when it comes to how businesses run the economy in Europe. Only a third of the money that counts for assets in Europe is owned by foreign countries. And of that third, China only makes up slightly less than 10 percent. That’s something like less than 3 percent, which pales in comparison to some of what other countries own percent wise.

The key point to mention is that China’s influence continues to grow in Europe after ten years of being on the rise. Not many countries can make such claims, but China’s growth and investment in Europe are not without periods of cooldowns.

What’s next in the Cards for the EU?

It’s not as if the business between Europe and China doesn’t come without a certain amount of balance in tow. In areas ranging from travel to sports, the EU sees growth from foreign funds in rapid paces.

When it comes to investment, China has managed to outpace the big and bad USA for more than a few years in recent times. On top of all that, there’s the talk of the real numbers being even more than what has been reported. But, it’s kind of hard to say no to a country that’s willing to invest in infrastructure while doing business across a nation.

What are Countries Joined With The European Union to Do?

The situation is something like: “Hi. I’m China. Can I build new roads in your territory while I support business and give people jobs.” What would any struggling country in the EU say? “Uh, I don’t think so China.

We’re sticking with this old road and fixing it with all-Euro funding. Back off!” No. And when things go like that, a little bit of wheel greasing and back-scratching has to happen. Many people just don’t see these kinds of scenarios playing on the international stage. That’s all it is.

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