
Whether you play for fun or stream for a living, gaming is more than just a hobby – for many people, it is a way of life.

As a dedicated gamer, you probably spend most of your time thinking about your next session and less time thinking about your skin. The truth is, however, that excessive screen time combined with lack of sleep can do some serious damage to your skin.

The good news is there are simple steps you can take to protect your skin.

Read on to learn more about the effects of gaming on your skin and what you can do to keep your skin happy and healthy without eating into your game time.

How Does Gaming Affect Your Skin?

Gamers spend a great deal of time exploring and enjoying virtual worlds, but the effects of gaming are anything but imaginary.

In fact, a 2016 study revealed that over two-thirds of gamers experience inadequate sleep due to gaming.

By delaying sleep on nights you spend gaming, you could be setting yourself up for sleep deprivation, not to mention the negative effects of screen time before bed. Sleep deprivation is no joke, and you can’t cure it with a spell or magic potion. The only remedy is sleep.

Not only can late-night gaming affect your sleep but frequent contact with computer mouses and gaming controllers can expose you to bacteria and other germs.

Touching your face after using these items can transfer that bacteria to your skin, increasing your risk for acne and skin irritation. Blue light from screens can also contribute to premature aging and may trigger hyperpigmentation as well.  

A Simple Skincare Routine for Morning and Evening

Sleep is a necessity for optimal health and wellness, but it can be hard to come by when you’re a gamer. You should realize, however, that even one night of poor sleep can not just leave you feeling tired but looking tired as well. You could wake up with dark circles around your eyes as well as puffiness and pale complexion. Sleep deprivation can also increase the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

You don’t have to stop gaming by any means, but you should think about implementing a simple daytime and nighttime skincare regimen into your routine. Here’s how to do it:

Morning Routine

  1. Cleanser – Choose a gentle cleanser that won’t dry out your skin and pat your skin dry after washing rather than rubbing it.
  2. Serum – Apply a vitamin C serum to protect against free radicals that accelerate aging.
  3. Moisturizer – Pick a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type.
  4. Eye Cream – If undereye circles are a concern, add an eye cream after moisturizing.
  5. Sunscreen – Always apply sunscreen (at least SPF 30) if you’re going to be outdoors.

Evening Routine

  1. Makeup Remover – Use micellar water, cleansing oil, or cleansing balm to remove makeup.
  2. Cleanser – Follow-up makeup removal with a gentle cleanser.
  3. Retinoids – Apply an anti-aging cream with retinoids like tretinoin – alternate with exfoliants.
  4. Serum – Choose a serum to address specific skin concerns like hyperpigmentation.
  5. Moisturizer – Use a richer moisturizer at night when your skin is most permeable.
  6. Eye Cream – Finish your nightly routine with eye cream to help fight bags and puffiness.

Additional Skincare Tips for Gamers

Skincare doesn’t have to be complicated – all you really need to do is keep your skin clean and hydrated.

If you have a little extra energy to devote to skincare, however, there are plenty of simple things you can do that add up to making a big difference.

Here are some additional skincare tips to work into your routine:

  • Sanitize your computer mouse, keyboard, and gaming controllers frequently.
  • Avoid touching your face as much as possible and wash your hands often.
  • Moderate your intake of junk food and unhealthy snacks that can contribute to acne.
  • Boost blood flow to the skin with regular exercise – aim for 150 minutes per week.
  • Take frequent breaks when gaming or using the computer to relieve eye strain.
  • Consider investing in a pair of blue light-blocking glasses to use while gaming.

When you’re low on spare time it’s easy to neglect your health and hygiene but skincare doesn’t need to be time-consuming.

Spending 5 to 10 minutes twice a day caring for your skin can help you feel and look years younger without any digital remastering.

If you find you need extra help dealing with specific skin concerns, reach out to a licensed dermatologist or esthetician. 

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