Twitch streamer Asian Andy

Twitch streamer Asian Andy made $16,000 in one night while filming himself sleeping.

He set up text-to-speech for his comments and let the audience have their fun.

Andy also had an Alexa available for the audience to use in their comments.

The commenters messed with him by pretending someone was looking in his window, faking alarm noises, and making Alexa play annoying songs.

Although he didn’t get much sleep that night, I’m sure he wasn’t upset considering how much money he made. 

Andy has a following of about 40,000 people on Twitch, which he uses to film other hilarious antics.

He thanked his audience for their generosity, stating that he used to drive for Uber and now he doesn’t have to any more thanks to their support. 

Despite this idea being hilarious, it isn’t new. Other streamers have been doing this trend since 2017 and making money, although not as much as Andy.

Apparently, allowing people to interrupt your sleep in comedic ways is very popular streaming content.

Back in 2017, Twitch streamer Ice Poseidon did something similar and made about $5,000 in the process. There are many streamers who choose to base their content on sleep.

Sometimes it’s interrupted sleep like Andy and Ice Poseidon, but other times it can be something as simple as napping in odd places. 

It seems like more money can be made by allowing viewers to interrupt your sleep than anything else having to do with sleep streaming.

I’m the type of person who really needs their 8 hours, but for $16,000 I would absolutely lose a night of sleep.

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