what caused the instagram glitch

Canada has spoken! Will Instagrams latest feature come to the United States next?

In April, Instagram announced a controversial new feature which can change the way Instrgramers use the social media platform forever!

Initially, the feedback was not great, there was a great deal of uncertainty regarding how users will use the app, especially in the influencer-driven business world.

In the last handful of weeks, Instagram has been testing the new feature and people appear to love it! The social networking platform has gone as far as to expand the initiative to more countries signaling the positive feedback though no search behavior data has been provided to the public.

For businesses and creators, the change surprisingly hasn’t made a significant difference. Their accounts still provide detailed metrics, and they can still see the number of likes on their own content received.

People can still see likes they receive once they click through, but others cannot. Instagram says the goal is to make people “focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get,” this hones in on the general rule of the internet “content is king”!

Likes have been fundamental to Instagram since the inception of the app, it has been a strong signal of social proof. Hiding likes could have been a massive unwarranted disruptor for the platform, but users love it and this change could go down as one of the most innovative changes the app has ever made!

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