healthy living

Kidneys are located below the rib cage and are responsible for several important functions in our bodies; mainly to keep the blood in our bodies stable.

Each day our kidneys filter up to 150 quarts of blood.

What do our kidneys do?

Our kidneys work hard to remove excess water or hold on to water and they also remove waste. They remove excess minerals like sodium and potassium.

In addition, our kidneys also produce hormones.

Our hormones, when they work efficiently, regulate bodily functions like blood pressure and the creation of red blood cells. In addition, our kidneys work hard to prevent chronic kidney diseases.

Because our kidneys are important for good health, here are 7 habits that will keep your kidneys happy

Try switching to plant-based protein

First, switch to plant-based protein. Switching to a plant-based diet takes the burden off of kidneys.

A plant-based diet can potentially prevent and slow the progression of chronic kidney disease, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Plant-based protein sources are beans, nuts, seeds, coconut, bean sprouts and dairy-milk and cheese alternatives.

Take the time to drink a full glass of water in the morning

Another habit for healthy kidneys is starting every morning with a large glass of water. Water is important for your kidneys.

Water filters out waste products and helps other bodily organs to do their best, too. Eating or drinking more cranberries is also a healthy habit.

Cranberry juice or cranberries can help to get rid of harmful bacteria in the urinary tract.

Cut back on salt

Cutting back on salt is another good habit.

Kidneys do a good job regulating electrolytes in the body but when sodium levels rise in the body, potassium levels drop.

This can be dangerous to your health.

Eating more home-cooked meals is another habit that is good for your kidneys.

Restaurants and fast food often are loaded with salt.

However, by eating at home, your kidneys get a break and are able to function better.

Eat those veggies!

Eat more vegetables! Vegetables support the kidneys because they are rich in potassium.

Eating food that is high in potassium is a healthy gift to your kidneys.

So, load up on those veggies.

Green tea: always in fashion

Drinking green tea is always a healthy thing to do. Its potent antioxidants protect the kidneys and the urinary tract from harmful substances.

Some say drinking three cups of green tea a day, is a very healthy thing to do. If you want to reduce inflammation and free radicals in your kidneys, add turmeric to your soups, stews or curries.

Other healthy habits for your kidneys

Besides the above healthy habits, there are several more that may help and they are using over-the-counter painkillers in moderation, staying away from cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs, keeping fit and maintaining a healthy weight.

To conclude, kidneys are located below the rib cage and are responsible for several important functions of the body; mainly to keep the composition of our blood stable.

Talk with your doctor soon and find out more about kidneys and your better health.

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