
If there is something that the year 2020 has made us realize, it is the importance of having a healthy body.

I’m sure most of you will agree with me. Lockdowns were an eye-opener and the first step towards a healthy lifestyle even for those who never really cared about binging on potato chips and ice cream.

But, now that COVID-19 is almost like a part of our lives, health has become a priority, specifically the immune system. 

Until the vaccine arrives, the only defense we have is a strong immune system. So, everyone is on Google or at the local physician trying to learn about the different ways to boost their immunity. Well, I can help you here. 

Among all the different tips and tricks that help the immune system, terpenes are a lesser-known but very effective immune booster.

Let’s take a deeper look to understand the role of terpenes in strengthening your defense mechanism. 

What Are Terpenes?

You may have come across several different terpenes in your life but didn’t probably know what it was.

Remember the lavender essential oil or the sweet smell of a ripe mango? Well, these scents are caused by the terpenes linalool (lavender) and myrcene (mango). 

The main purpose of terpenes is to give a distinct fragrance and flavor. It is found in several food items like broccoli, bay leaves and even medical cannabis.

Terpenes have a very important role to play in cannabis. While it renders a specific smell to different strains, it also delivers several medical benefits including boosting the immune system. 

Each of the terpenes works differently in the body. While some bind to the CB receptors like the cannabis’ cannabinoids, others bind to the SERT areas or have a totally different mechanism. But, either way, the end result is always a therapeutic effect. 

Now, let’s take a look at the different terpenes that can help boost the immune system.


Caryophyllene is known to help reduce neuroinflammation in people with neurodegenerative diseases. It is also effective in relieving pain, anxiety and seizures.

In some cases, it has also helped in reducing cholesterol levels in patients. Caryophyllene behaves a lot like the cannabinoid THC as it works in the body by binding to the CB receptors to deliver all the effects.

Beta-caryophyllene or just caryophyllene gives off a spicy or peppery smell and flavor. It is mostly found in black pepper, cinnamon, cloves and different herbs like basil and oregano.

Some of the cannabis strains high in caryophyllene are Bubba Kush, Purple Punch, Candyland and Gelato. 


Linalool is the terpene behind the pleasant scent of lavender, coriander, mint and thyme. Several cannabis strains like Granddaddy Purple, Amnesia Haze and Lavender Kush contain a good amount of linalool. 

It acts on the immune system to trigger certain responses that lead to cytotoxic effects on cancer cells and relieves pain by reducing any excess inflammation in the body. In addition to this, linalool is an effective terpene against stress, anxiety and psychosis.

All of these factors inhibit the functioning of the immune system. By reducing them, linalool supports the immune system and lets it focus on protecting your body from invaders and viruses. 


When someone talks about the immune system, it is more than always followed by citrus or Vitamin C. In the world of terpenes, the equivalent of Vitamin C would be limonene. It is found in lemons and other citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits.

Purple Hindu Kush, Berry White, Banana OG and Black Cherry Soda are some of the cannabis strains that contain a good amount of limonene. 

It helps in boosting the immune system by acting as an antiviral, antibacterial and expectorant. It basically reduces the work for the immune system.

In addition to this, it reduces all the factors that can possibly suppress the immune system such as stress, anxiety and inflammation. 


Myrcene is one of the most commonly and abundantly found terpene. It is found in mangoes, broccoli and sweet potato. You can even find several cannabis strains with this terpene. Some of the most preferred ones are OG Kush, Blue Dream, Harlequin, Remedy and Grape Ape. 

Myrcene is well known as an immunoregulatory terpene. It improves the functioning of the immune system by regulating the production of nitrogen oxide in macrophages. Macrophages are immune cells that help fight infections and eliminate damaged cells.

Myrcene also acts as an anti-inflammatory thus reducing the pain associated with inflammation. It helps enhance the effects of cannabis too. So, myrcene can help your immunity get better. 


Pinene or alpha-pinene is a major contributor to woody scent. So you may feel like you are walking in a forest. It is most common in pine trees, basil, parsley and resin from turpentine trees.

The cannabis strains rich in pinene are Big Smooth, Blue Dream, God’s Gift and Cotton Candy Kush.

It does not directly act on the immune system or the immune cells but it strengthens the system by improving other factors.

It is anti-inflammatory and reduces minor aches and other pain from the body. And we all know how stress hormones can negatively affect the immune system. Well, pinene can help reduce any stress or anxiety too. 

How to Use Terpenes to Boost Your Immune System

Using terpenes for immunity is actually very easy. You can find different ways to introduce these terpenes in your body.

The easiest step is to find the food, teas or beverages that contain the terpene you need and incorporate it into your diet.

Or you could also try aromatherapy. Use essential oils and massage it onto your body.

Another way of using terpenes is with the help of cannabis strains. If you are a medical patient, you will need a medical marijuana card in Fremont to be able to have access to medical cannabis.

The next step is to find the right strain and consume it using any one of the many cannabis delivery methods. 

Now you know that terpenes have more to them than just flavor and scent.

So, why the wait? Include terpenes to your road to good health and strong immunity today! 

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