great coffee accessories

Many people drink coffee in the morning for that extra energy boost from the caffeine.

The quality of the coffee, how long it’s brewed, and how its brewed play a role in its taste. Stop relying on your old automatic coffee pot and get coffee with a great flavor profile, no bitterness, and an elevated caffeine boost. 

Many home coffee accessories exist that offer a cafe-like experience at home for a fraction of the daily cost.

Here are ten of our favorites to help you find your perfect brew combination. 

Coffee Grinder

A fantastic cup of coffee starts with freshly ground beans. Even if you never upgrade beyond an automatic drip-brew, you should switch to grinding your own beans. Freshly ground coffee has a flavor profile that cannot be preserved once the grounds have been exposed to air. A Conical Burr Grinder offers supreme precision in your coffee’s grain size, allowing for ultra-fine to coarse grinds. 

Want to grind your coffee by hand? Manual coffee grinders are a great way to get an extra workout in. They are rustic and offer a quick way to grind enough for a single cup while traveling. 

French Press

A French Press is a significant first upgrade from an automatic drip coffee machine.

It offers a robust flavor profile that goes best with coarsely ground coffee – like manually-ground beans.

The French Press can also double as a loose-leaf tea brew pot, which is a bonus if you also enjoy a nice cup of tea. 

Pour-Over Coffee

This new fad is likely something you’ll find at your local coffee shop. Pour-over offers a flavor profile that differs entirely from the French Press.

It brings out the chocolate, earthy side of medium roast beans. Floral and juicy hints can be found in lightly roasted coffee beans. 

Pour-Over coffee brewers require their own special type of paper filter.

They also take a bit longer to prepare than traditional methods, so be ready for that. The extra prep time is well worth the effort once you’ve had pour-over coffee.

You’ll need a kettle to control the flow of water when making pour-over coffee. A scale can help you weigh your coffee to find the perfect water-to-coffee ratio that you like. 

Stove-Top Espresso Maker

You can have a nice cup of espresso with just your stove top using one of these coffee accessories.

A portable espresso maker is ideal for anyone who doesn’t want to invest in a giant machine for the perfect cup. They’re also great traveling and camping companions since it can be used over a portable burner. 

Cold Brew Coffee Kit

Want the best caffeine kick you’ve ever had?

Cold-brew your own coffee at home with a mason jar and these coffee accessories. The slow process of cold brew unlocks a mild flavor and increases the caffeine uptake. 

Automatic-Drop Brew

These ‘set it and forget it’ style coffee brewers are great for anyone who wants the perfect brew.

Splurging for models that can heat, time, and pour the water for you to create pour-over flavor from a machine. These automatic-drip brewers aren’t your grandma’s coffee pot.

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