climate crisis

Many people still debate the impact climate change has on the planet, and others opt to look the other way and pretend the issue is not real.

But recent changes in the Pacific and Arctic regions are proof that climate change is affecting the world more than experts once thought.

Although experts have noticed melting sea ice and warmer temperatures in Arctic regions during the past century, the problem got much worse in 2017, according to a paper published in Nature Climate Change.

At first, some people thought the sudden change in sea ice in 2017 was just a fluke. However, the changes persist and show no sign of slowing down. Many experts now fear that the observed changes are beyond repair.

In normal cases, some sea ice melts in the spring and summer but refreezes in the winter. But rising temperatures disrupt that cycle.

Even more, ice melts during the warm part of the year, and not all of it freezes again during the winter.

Impact on Wildlife

When climate change happens, wildlife are often the first to run into problems.

Taking a look at wildlife and how warmer weather impacts them gives us clues about what the future likely holds.

Warmer sea temperatures force many sea animals to live deeper in the sea so that they can stay in the cold water they are used to.

The problem is that birds in the area dive into the water to catch fish, but they will no longer be able to do so if the fish stay too far below the surface. The melting ice also makes it difficult for a range of other species to find food.

In 2018, scientists discovered seals dying five times faster than they did on average in 2014.

In addition to disrupting the food chain, temperature changes impact the migration patterns of animals in the area.

Impact on People

The loss of wildlife impacts coastal communities in the Pacific and Arctic regions more than some people would like to believe.

Some businesses in the area hunt and sell seafood, but decreasing wildlife populations make their job that much more difficult.

If the problem remains unaddressed, some local companies risk going out of business. Since many communities in the area depend on marine life for food, they fear that a food shortage is in their future.

Impact on the World

Those who live far from the cold temperatures of the Pacific sometimes believe climate change won’t impact their lives in any measurable way. But that is a common oversight. Weather patterns in the Pacific and Arctic impact the rest of the world.

Warmer sea waters affect weather patterns and can lead to more intense storms in other parts of the planet, but severe weather is not the only threat. Sea ice that melts needs to go somewhere.

It goes into the ocean and causes water levels to rise, which can lead to flooding in coastal areas around the world.

Although the Arctic and Pacific regions are the first to encounter problems, it’s a sign of what the rest of the world can expect in the coming years.

Top Causes of Climate Chance

Human activity is the most significant factor in climate change.

When the sun’s heat reaches earth, the earth’s surface reflects a lot of it back to space.

The greenhouse gases that surround the earth determine how much heat gets released and how much remains trapped in the atmosphere.

By burning fossil fuels, people release additional gas into the greenhouse, causing it to trap even more heat.

Trees consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen to help combat the problem. However, people continue to cut down trees and remove forests, and it allows greenhouse gases to build up faster than before. Sea ice helps reflect a lot of heat back into the air.

As sea ice melts, more heat goes into the water and increases the temperatures of the seas and oceans.

How to Combat Climate Change

Even though climate change is a threat nobody should overlook, everyone can play a role in protecting the planet from the problem. Carpooling to work or taking public transportation is just one way.

People can also contact their elected officials and ask them to support legislation that protects the environment.

Insulating buildings and using green power sources are additional ways to safeguard the environment from this growing threat.

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