big short

Do You Remember the Great Recession?

Most people don’t find financial events very interesting. Unfortunately, when they do, that tends to be because something disastrous has happened. To name an example, consider the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, which is sometimes called the Great Recession.

For those who could use a refresher, the whole thing was kicked off by the subprime mortgage crisis.

Essentially, what had happened was that people packaged subprime mortgages into supposedly safe securities.

Theoretically, even if one of the subprime mortgages failed, the rest of the security would retain value. In practice, what winded up happening was the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble, which wiped out subprime mortgages in horrific numbers.

The Great Recession wasn’t as catastrophic as the Great Depression of the 1930s. However, that can be credited to the much-increased willingness of world governments to intervene, thus preventing the global financial system from just collapsing on itself.

What Are Five of the Best Movies to Watch About the Great Recession in 2023?

Here are five of the best movies to watch about the Great Recession in 2023:

Inside Job

Technically, Inside Job isn’t a traditional movie. Instead, it is a documentary movie, which should shape interested individuals’ expectations about what they will see.

In total, Inside Job can be divided into five segments, which would how the conditions for the crisis came to be, how the U.S. housing bubble came to be, what happened in the crisis itself, whether anyone was held accountable for the crisis, and what the post-crisis situation was like at the time that it came out.

Larry Crowne

For people looking for something more entertainment-focused, there is Larry Crowne, which is a romantic comedy about a man who is forced to make severe life changes because of the crisis.

It is much more light-hearted than any of the other names on this list, as shown by the fact that it comes complete with a happy ending. However, one can nonetheless make the argument that Larry Crowne gives a look at what happened to a lot of people on the metaphorical ground as a result of the crisis.

The Big Short

The Big Short is one of the names that will come up the most in this context. In part, this is because of its high-profile cast, which includes well-known names such as Christian Bale, Steve Carell, and Ryan Gosling.

Additionally, it should also be noted that it provides a decent explanation of everything that happened, thus providing interested individuals with a good look at what went down. As such, if people are seeking something more comprehensive that is still storyline-driven, The Big Short could be it.

Too Big to Fail

Too Big to Fail is one more movie that sought to explain what happened in the crisis while remaining non-fictional in nature.

However, it manages to stand out in a couple of ways. One, it focused more on the role that U.S. governmental figures played in the crisis. Two, it also gave more attention to how key executives with key firms were involved in the crisis.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is a follow-up to the famous Wall Street from the late 1980s. As such, it follows the fictional character Gordan Gekko, who has been released from prison after being convicted of insider trading as well as securities fraud.

The story isn’t real. However, it is set in the crisis, meaning that it can be an indirect way for interested individuals to learn about the latter.

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