business travel tips

When going on a business trip there are five essential things that you want to bring with you to make your trip easier.

You will want to bring a laptop, cleaning wipes, clothing that is multipurpose, a paperback book, and medicine that is essential.

During your travels, you will find out what items are best for you. To start, these vital are going to be the things you want to have with you to make that trip a little easier and way less stressful.

A Compact Laptop

You can continue to do any work you need to while on your trip and you won’t be draining your phone battery if you are able to use your laptop instead.

A small laptop with a good charge is going to be much easier to pack around with you.

Bringing along a big laptop that needs to be plugged in might not be the best thing to bring and in that case, just using your phone and bringing a spare battery for it might be easier.

Cleaning Wipes

Just in case you spill something on your clothes while you are running to the hotel or running to a meeting then you are going to want to have something close at hand to wipe it off without leaving a stain.

You are going to want to bring along some antibacterial hand sanitizer because who knows how clean whatever you’re touching is.

Multi-Purpose Clothes

It will be easier if you are able to bring clothes that can double as evening and day clothes. A nice shirt to wear with a skirt or dress pants that you can leave untucked for a more casual look would be a great way.

If any of your clothes can work for two events then you won’t have to pack so much and that will free up some space in your bag.

A Paperback Book

A paperback book will be easy since it doesn’t have to take up a lot of space and you don’t have to worry about charging it either.

Bringing a book that is small and you don’t mind reading in downtime will be helpful since you then won’t have to worry about packing around chargers for your electronics.

Reading is a good way to kill some time while waiting in case your electronics are charging or you don’t have a plug available to use.


You never want to be caught off guard when a migraine starts coming on or your joints start hurting from all the walking you are doing around the airport and hotel.

Even having a few bandaids could be helpful in case your shoe starts rubbing the back of your heel just enough to cause some discomfort. Be sure to pack some essential medicine or even a compact first aid kit.


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