bacon lovers

There has been a constant debate about whether it is better to cook bacon in an oven or in a skillet on the stove.

Since there is no definitive answer, it depends on your own personal performance.

Cooking Bacon in an Oven

To cook bacon in an oven, the traditional method is to bake it at about 350 to 400 degrees. The temperature depends on how quickly you want it to be done.

If you bake it at 350 degrees, it will take about 20 minutes for thin strips.

For thick-cut bacon, plan on about 30 minutes. At 400 degrees, bacon will take between 15 and 20 minutes to finish cooking.

Let the oven preheat before you cook your bacon, and use a wire rack on a rimmed baking sheet for best results.

Deciding not to use a wire rack? Be sure to drain the grease from the bacon after you take it out of the oven.

Advantages of Using a Baking Sheet

These are the top benefits:

  • The bacon may be straighter.
  • The bacon develops an even crispiness.
  • There is no popping or splattering of grease.
  • You can cook more bacon at once.
  • You do not need to watch it constantly or turn it over.

Disadvantages of Using a Baking Sheet

Although the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, these are some points to consider:

  • The bacon takes longer to cook.
  • For better results, you need to wait even longer for the oven to preheat.
  • There may be more dishes to wash.
  • If you are baking other foods to go with a large batch of bacon, you may need to make the other foods first or afterward.

One way to avoid washing dishes is to line the baking pan entirely with foil.

However, this may not be an attractive option if you try to conserve your kitchen supplies.

Frying Bacon in a Pan

To fry bacon, use a large skillet. Preheat the skillet on about medium or medium-high heat. Place the strips flat on the skillet, and turn them over after a minute or two.

Cook them to your desired crispiness. If you want them to be crispier, you can flip them over once more. When they are finished, put them on a paper towel or a baking rack to remove excess grease.

If splattering is a concern, use a pan screen. For turkey bacon or lean bacon, you may want to oil the pan lightly first.

Advantages of Using a Pan

These are the main benefits:

  • It is quick and easy.
  • If you prefer softer bacon, you have more control over the outcome.
  • Your oven is free for other foods that you may need to make.
  • If you only use one pan, there are not as many dishes to wash.

Disadvantages of Using a Pan

Depending on how you approach frying your bacon in a pan, there may be more advantages or disadvantages.

These are some points to think about:

  • If you do not use a pan screen, the bacon may pop and splatter grease.
  • There may be more of a mess to clean up on the stove afterward.
  • You are usually limited to frying about four or five strips at a time.
  • It is more likely to curl up at the ends.
  • It may not turn out as uniform in crispiness or pliability.

Choosing a Method to Cook Bacon

There are other variations of these methods as well. For example, you can fry bacon on an electric griddle with other breakfast meats or foods. You still have grease to consider if you fry it at the same time as other foods.

For the oven, there is also broiling. However, you will need to place the bacon on a lower rack to avoid burning it, and you will need to monitor it constantly.

If you are having a hard time deciding whether to bake or fry your bacon, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I want to use foil or wash more dishes?
  • Do I want my bacon now or in a little while?
  • Do I need to make any other foods in the oven?

If you do need to put other foods in the oven with a tray of bacon, it is better to use the other food’s temperature suggestion if you can.

Remember that you can easily vary the baking temperature for bacon between 350 and 400 degrees.

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