house shopping

When you are viewing potential properties, there are 5 very specific things that you should look at before deciding to buy that property.

Many people overlook these items when they are viewing a home only to discover later that their new home needs serious repairs or has lost significant value.

Home buying is much easier if the property can pass inspection in these five areas:

1. The Neighborhood

When you are looking at potential properties, you should also look at the potential neighborhood. Most people are so thrilled to go and look at a house that they saw a picture of and see in in person that they often overlook the neighbors. Later, when they are moving in, they discover that their next door neighbor has several junk cars parked next to his home, raises chickens, or believes in flying offensive flags from their flag pole.

Take a good look at the entire neighborhood and make sure that you will feel comfortable living in that area and that it has everything you need to make you and your loved ones happy. Check stores, schools, and medical centers. Look for entertainment venues and dining choices. Take a serious look before committing to buying the home.

2. The Foundation

Home buying should never be done quickly. You should always take time to have a home inspection completed. This inspection should be thorough and include a complete check of the foundation of the home.

Cracks in the foundation may indicate different problems such as water damage, potential for water damage, or structural damage to the entire home.

3. Water Pressure

One thing often overlooked is water pressure. Do not be afraid to turn on the bathroom and kitchen faucets. Start the showers and the faucets in the tubs. Flush toilets. Try any spigots that are located outside. Low water pressure can indicate that there are leaks in the plumbing.

Poor drainage could also indicate plumbing issues. If the home is on a septic system, make sure that you find out how how the system is and the last time it has been emptied.

4. Wall Joints

Part of your personal or professional home inspection should include checking the wall joints. Look closely at where the walls meet the ceiling, the floors and each other. This is one of the most prominent places you can find evidence of previous water damage in the home.

5. Inside Cabinets

When you are looking at any home, make sure to look in the cabinets, especially those under the sinks in the bathroom and kitchen. When prior home repairs are made from water or smoke damage, these areas are often overlooked for repairs or cleaning. You can learn a lot about a home by how these areas look.


  1. My kids are telling me that we should move houses because going to school that is thirty miles away will really hinder their progress in their academics. I think I’ll enlist the help of a home finder to assist me in looking for a home since they’re really right about what they said. Thanks for the insight that I should look into the potential neighborhood that we’re going to live in and see if it’s the right fit for our needs.

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